
Science fiction has the tendency to predict future developments in various spheres, and online gambling is no different. Nowadays, the authoritative online casinos in India have features that look straight out of a sci-fi film and it’s worth exploring how this genre of fiction already affects the industry and what its full potential might be.

Science Fiction and Predictions of the Future

Science fiction has a quality known in the literary world as extrapolative, meaning that the fictional piece can sometimes, intentionally or not, predict future events based on observations and already established facts.

Perhaps the most famous science fiction author who has predicted many technological advancements is H.G. Wells. Wells’ works have predicted inventions like lasers (in The War of the Worlds), wireless communication (in Men Like Gods), genetic engineering (in The Island of Dr. Moreau), and even the atomic bomb (in The World Set Free).

While some note that authors like Wells simply predicted the future, they fail to see that someone might be inspired to create the technology as a result of consuming sci-fi media.

One of the most notable examples for that is the mobile phone. Motorola created the first cell phone in 1973 and its inventor, Martin Cooper, claims that he was inspired by Dick Tracy’s watch from the sci-fi crime comic Dick Tracy.

In 1996, Motorola created the first flip phone bearing the name StarTAC which is a clear reference to Star Trek (the original series) and their communicators which look and act like flip phones.

How AI Makes Science Fiction Even More Realistic

Nowadays, it feels like we live in the future with the rising popularity of artificial intelligence. AI has been part of the sci-fi landscape for well over a century with the first work mentioning sentient non-biological entities being The Wreck of the World (1889) by William Grove.

Over the years, other sci-fi works of fiction such as Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep (1968), and its film adaptation Blade Runner (1982), all Star Trek TV shows and films, The Matrix trilogy (1999-2003) and A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001) have explored the idea of artificial intelligence and how it can improve society.

In these examples, AI is employed in different ways. In Blade Runner, Replicants have human bodies, including vital organs, but they are AI-based. In Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-1994), the computer used to pilot and fix the ship uses artificial intelligence, while Officer Data is an android himself, though unlike a Replicant, he has a metal frame.

AI and Online Casinos in India

We established that the most prominent invention which has been alluded to since the 19th century is artificial intelligence, but how does it tie to online casinos? You might be surprised but many online casinos in India already employ complex AI tools to improve user experience.

Take for example sports betting; some gambling operators use AI-models to accurately display odds and they dynamically change during the game. This is, however, the simplest example.

The most impressive advancement in online casino gambling are AI dealers.

Yes, some Indian online casinos already offer live casino games with an AI dealer who manages the whole game. They don’t just shuffle cards like an RNG table game might do, they also observe player behaviour and they react accordingly.

An AI dealer uses machine learning to constantly improve its performance and lead to higher levels of customer satisfaction. When you think about it, you’re being serviced by technology resembling Officer Data from Star Trek or a Replicant from Blade Runner.

Online gambling in India is, to lightly put it, very popular. It’s estimated that Indian players make up 13% of all online gamblers in the world. India is also a very technologically forward nation which is why Indian operators are always looking for ways to implement new technology.

The possibilities for artificial intelligence in online gambling are limitless. Not only can the AI dealers improve their service in the future and provide experience indistinguishable than the one provided by a human dealer, AI in general can be used in all aspects of online gambling.

What we are most interested in is an improvement in responsible gambling. Today, policies like self-exclusion are implemented in many reputable Indian online casinos, but some feel they don’t do enough to protect customers.

AI is theorised by online gambling operators and gambling journalists alike to soon be able to accurately detect gambling addiction in players and activate protocols to help the person in need. AI dealers are already trying to do a similar thing by analysing the behaviour of players, so we expect to see AI-generated responsible gambling mechanics in the near future.

Apart from that, artificial intelligence can eventually be used to improve the overall platform of an online casino by assessing features that players like or dislike to interact with, and consequently improve them.

What’s more, some argue that AI can be used to create tailored reward programs and make game suggestions based on player data.


All of these recent advancements in the sphere of online gambling have attracted even more Indian players to online casinos. The use of AI in particular can be a positive improvement for Indian online casinos, and we are curious to see how the technology develops in the next few decades.